Saturday, November 24, 2007

a-u-t-h-e-n-t-i-c. authentic.

I find that blogging can be more of a hassle than an advantage when it comes to practical classroom use. However, it can be used as a tool for authentic learning in some situations.

An 'A' quality blog would not only include in depth, personal reactions to assigned activities, but would include pictures, links, or other articles of information which reveal that a higher level of learning is taking place.

The skills for a good blogger would include the abilities to write clearly and concisely, to articulate their knowledge in a language that all readers can understand and discuss, and the abilities to garner interest without resorting to overly elaborate means (i.e. constantly flashing text, pop-up notifications,etc)

In order to guide students to produce "good" blogs an instructor must produce a clear and structured grading/expectations rubric. It is easy for students to get carried away or to get lost in the information, but with set guidelines and expectations, the students will always know what they should be working towards and accomplishing in order to earn an 'A.' The instructor should also monitor all posts throughout the week, so that inappropriate material is not posted. Specific consequences should be in place before blogging begins so that students are clearly aware of what results will ensue due to inappropriate action.
Instructors may come to expect students to blog about specific people or events that occurred in history for Social Studies, write an informative review of a book for English, analyze the merits of a scientific theory in Science, or create a multiple choice math test for their peers in Mathematics. The possibilities are endless, but the ability of the instructor to make sure that the blogging is carried out appropriately and that it truly illustrates authentic learning is what is truly important.

In regards to elementary and middle school blogging, daily journal entries and having an area to express questions or concerns might be the best utilization of student blogs.

As long as the resources are there, the instructor is organized, and the students are willing to take blogging seriously, then blogs are practical, authentic learning sites.

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aka: EDPL 215 1801 Using Tech for Instr/Assessmnt